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Do you have any ideas how to improve employee engagement, work environment or want to share your best practices? We are happy to discuss! If you have specific questions or want to see if someone has asked your question before, check out our FAQ.



  • How do we get started?

    You simply just give us your employees' names, surnames, email addresses, and groups they belong to (and phone number if they’ve chosen sms as a survey alternative) and we set up everything for you. We would also provide presentations for your employees and managers that will have access to the results.

  • How do I add new participants?

    You can make changes in your participants by selecting the “participant” menu item. Then by simply clicking on the "add participant" button in the “Organization view” you will be able to add your new employees as new participants.

  • How can I change my password?

    You can change the automatically generated password to any password of your choice at any time. For changing your password you can simply click on the bubble containing the initials of your name in the upper right corner and select “Account setting”.

  • Do we need any instructions or education before using the service?

  • How can I exclude some staff or send the survey to certain people (tag)?

  • Who will receive reminders?

  • What is a Pulse Survey?

  • Does the user's ID change over time?

  • Our surveys end up in the junk mail, what should I do?

  • How can I add an admin to a group?

  • What's the difference between system admin and group admin?

  • When can I see the results?

  • Surveys with less than five respondents cannot be followed up, why?

  • What is a good survey response rate and how can I increase it?

  • Why is it important to measure employee engagement?

  • What can you do with Pulse survey results?

Still have questions? Let us show you

Send us an email

Write us a message and we will be a little extra happy at work. Do you have any ideas how to improve employee engagement, work environment or want to share your best practices? We are happy to discuss!